MTP CFO Lu Hur Featured in StrategicCFO360

...How are you handling the new normal?
MTP CFO Lu Hur, sat down with Russ Banham to discuss the evolving landscape of hybrid work and its impact on financial strategy. Some key takeaways:
1️⃣ Flexibility is Key: To enhance productivity and employee satisfaction, you have to adapt.
2️⃣ Cost Management: It’s important to reevaluate expenses related to office space and technology to optimize resources.
3️⃣ Data-Driven Decisions: Leveraging analytics to monitor performance and guide strategic choices is more crucial than ever in a hybrid environment.
4️⃣ Culture and Collaboration: There’s no way around it, maintaining a strong company culture in a hybrid setup is a challenge that requires some innovative approaches.
…but we at Meet The People, are up for it!
For the full StrategicCFO360 article: